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Interactive Spaces



To make big events you don't just need a structure capable of handling it, comfortable chairs, air conditioning and high capacity internet. You also need a centralized location, parking and easy access ways, like subway and bike rack, all designed to help you get around.

Cowmeia took care of all this and besides being 100m from the subway.  the most demanding promoters. our auditoriums have a projector, surround sound, microphones and communication accessories to present your brand well.


Capacity: 64 people

1st hour - R $ 200 l Additional hour - R $ 100 l Daily - R $ 800 (from 8 am to 10 pm) l 1/2 Period - R $ 500 (until 4:30 am)


Capacity for 120 people seated

Check our team for full capacity events

2h - R$225/h l 4h - R$168/h l 6h - R$125/h

Cowmeia also offers its super creative spaces for filming, photos and audiovisual materials. For more information please contact our team.

Open Monday to Friday from 8 am to 10 pm

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